Iranian Regime's Sectarian Plan to Alter Syria's Demographics
- Tuesday, 17 January 2017 08:44

NCRI - According to the London-based Arabic-language Elaph website on January 15, the Iranian regime is, in a move regarded as an apparent religious sectarian plan, attempting to alter Syria’s demographics by accommodating Shiite population in Sunni areas.
Parts of the report by the Elaph news agency:
Are we speaking today of the Syrians’ right to return to their homes? Syrians there are prevented from turning back to their residence areas since the Iranian regime is planning to change the areas, particularly those around Damascus, into Shiite ones, a move carried out by systematic evacuation of the Sunni population.
The Iranian regime is intensifying its efforts to take advantage of the situation after winding down military operations, attempting to move ahead with its project, though opposed by Assad’s other ally Russia. According to a local Lebanese commander, the Iranian and Assad regimes don’t want any Sunni population between Damascus, Homs and Syrian borders, which may be regarded as a historical change in Syria’s demographics.
UK’s Guardian newspaper has quoted Labib al-Nahas, chief of foreign relations for Ahrar al-Sham, who led the negotiations in Istanbul, as saying that Tehran is seeking to create areas it could control. “Iran was very ready to make a full swap between the north and south. They wanted a geographical continuation into Lebanon”, said al-Nahas. He added: “Full sectarian segregation is at the heart of the Iranian project in Syria. They are looking for geographical zones that they can fully dominate and influence. This will have repercussions on the entire region.” Al-Nahas added that “This is not just altering the demographic balance. ... This is altering the balance of influence in all of these areas and across Syria itself. Whole communities will be vulnerable.”