Free Iran 2017
Syrian Opposition TV: Iran Regime's Overthrow Is Possible
- Wednesday, 05 July 2017 13:20
NCRI - The Syrian opposition TV broadcasted a report of the Iranian opposition annual convention on July 1st of this year in Paris where Iranian refugees joined prominent political dignitaries from across the globe.
Overthrowing the mullahs’ regime in Iran has become a vital necessity, said Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi. The solution for the region’s crisis and overcoming ISIS is found in overthrowing this fascist regime, she added.
“For two consecutive days and under the banner of ‘Joining the Iranian Resistance, Advancing – Overthrowing Mullahs is Possible,” the Villepinte auditorium near Paris witnessed the presence of tens of thousands of dissident refugees from various political backgrounds, alongside hundreds of politicians, MPs, experts and officials involved in foreign affairs and national security from the United States, Europe, Arabic and Islamic countries,” Orient TV reported.
“I believe these conventions are the force and strong motivation to confront Iran’s terrorism,” said Dr. Anwar Malek, writer and former Syrian rapporteur in the Arab League.
The importance of this rally is not resembled merely in the number of participants, but the timing is also very important. This rally is held at a time when Iran is faced with inner rifts and the Iranian people are sensing crackdown more than ever before.
Now is the time to overthrow the mullahs’ regime, Rajavi emphasized, adding this is possible and there is a democratic alternative that can be relied on.
“This rally has now become the voice of the Iranian people. We stand alongside the region’s nations against the mullahs’ meddling,” said Mousa Afshar of the Iranian opposition.
The issue of Syria is discussed each year in this rally. Iran’s increasing meddling in Syria and its support of terrorist groups, the crimes committed against the Syrian people and dislocating thousands of people are nothing new for anyone. Therefore, this auditorium was the scene of a large number of Syrian refugees from all over Europe.

In regards to France, a number of French MPs stipulated they will continue to support the Iranian opposition.
“The importance of such rallies in Paris is that they influence official policies. The presence of a number of important political figures delivers a message to French officials and others across the globe that this opposition has an important role in the region’s developments, and France continuously encourages supporting freedoms in the Middle East,” said a French dignitary.