۱۳۹۷ اسفند ۱, چهارشنبه

Depositors of corrupt Iranian credit institutions hold demonstrations in Tehran and Kermanshah

Depositors of corrupt Iranian credit institutions hold demonstrations in Tehran and Kermanshah

  • 19

Reported by PMOI/MEK

Iran, Feb. 20, 2019 - On Tuesday, depositors of state-backed Caspian Credit institution gathered in front of the Iranian regime’s public court in Tehran and marched in the Tehran Bazaar toward the Iranian regime’s attorney general’s office. The protesters were chanting “Where are our possessions, the attorney general is asleep” and “why isn’t the country’s law being upheld?”

The protesters are among the millions of Iranians who have deposited investments into financial institutions such as Caspian and Arman-e Vahdat, which are partly or fully owned by regime bodies such as the IRGC. In the past years, the institutions have absorbed billions of dollars’ worth of investments from middle-class people with promises of fast returns on investment. Many of the customers of these organizations poured their life savings into the institutions with hopes of guaranteeing the future of their children.

But in a large fraud scam that included the deep involvement of government officials, the institutions suddenly declared bankruptcy in 2017, taking away the investments and the hopes of their customers. Since then, the customers of these institutions have been protesting in several cities across Iran, demanding the return of their investment and accountability of the perpetrators of the scam.
Regime officials have been stalling and refraining from responding to the demands of the protests, further escalating the tension and triggering even more protests.

“What have the hands behind the scenes done with our money,” the protesters were chanting on Tuesday. “As soon as our case surfaces, investigations are called off,” the protesters chanted, alluding to the intentional neglecting of their plight by regime officials.
At the same time in Kermanshah, another group of investors were holding similar protest in front of Caspian’s local branch.
Protests by depositors of Caspian Credit institution, Kermanshah
Protests by depositors of Caspian Credit institution, Kermanshah

Protests by depositors of Caspian Credit institution, Kermanshah

Protests by depositors of Caspian Credit institution, Kermanshah
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   مرگ_بر_دیکتاتور   #IranRegimeChange  

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