۱۳۹۹ آبان ۱۰, شنبه

🍒🍒🍒 نظام غیرقابل تحمل برای مردم - مروری بر روزنامه‌های حکومتی 10 آبان 99🍒🍒🍒

🍒🍒🍒 نظام غیرقابل تحمل برای مردم - مروری بر روزنامه‌های حکومتی 10 آبان 99🍒🍒🍒

    در روزنامه‌های حکومتی دهم آبان تلاش شده است بحرانهای اقتصادی – اجتماعی و بن‌بست و انزوای جهانی نظام در میان زوزه‌های ضداستکباری و علم کردن وقایع فرانسه استتار شود. اما بحران کرونا و در کنار امواج گرانیها از یک‌سو و نحوهٔ انعکاس مرگ دژخیم قاضی حداد با ذکر برخی از جنایتهایش، حاکی از اوضاع بحران نظام است. ابعاد ورشکستگی نظام و فضای انفجاری جامعه در حدی است که در هر زمینه‌یی کارشناسان حکومتی به این فضای انفجاری و شکاف پرناشدنی بین مردم و نظام اذعان کرده‌اند.

    ستاره صبح به‌نقل از علی بیگدلی کارشناس هم‌سو با باند روحانی ضمن بررسی آثار انتخابات آمریکا بر رژیم نوشته است: «ضروری است استراتژی ایران در سطح داخلی، منطقه‌یی و بین‌المللی تغییر کند؛ زیرا شرایط به‌گونه‌یی است که راهی جز این وجود ندارد. به این دلیل که این کشمکش‌ها و خصومتها وضعیت را به‌جایی رسانده که برای مردم قابل‌تحمل نیست».

    اعتماد به‌نقل از سعید لیلاز اقتصاددان و تحلیل‌گر سیاسی باند مغلوب حین بررسی فیلترینگ اینترنت نوشته است: «با اجرای فیلترینگ، حس بی‌اعتمادی در جامعه ایجاد شده به‌طوری که درجه اعتماد عمومی به دولت، حکومت و رسانه‌های رسمی کشور به حداقل‌ترین حد ممکن پس از انقلاب رسیده است».

    آرمان از باند مغلوب اما بدون هر تفسیری تصویر روشنی از جامعهٔ در حال انفجار داده و از جمله نوشته است: «یک کانال تلگرامی با ۱۴۰هزار عضو، اقدام به آگهی فروش کلیه و کبد می‌کند و کبد ۲۰۰میلیون تومان و کلیه از ۱۰۰میلیون تومان تا ۱۵۰میلیون قیمت‌گذاری می‌شود».

    این روزنامه در ادامه اذعان کرده است: «بررسی آمارها نیز، حق را به دهها هزار نفری می‌دهد که راه دیگری به‌جز فروش کلیه و کبد پیش رویشان نگذاشته، موضوعی که با شیوع کرونا در ایران، مانند بنزین بر روی آتش، شعله‌های آن دامن مردم را گرفت و روند تورم را برایشان سخت‌تر از گذشته کرد».

    آویختن به چاقوکش در وحشت از انزوای اجتماعی

    در روزنامه‌های حکومتی دهم آبان تصویر روشنی از انزوای داخلی و خارجی نظام دیده می‌شود.

    ستاره صبح در وحشت از خفگی اقتصادی و انزوای جهانی و انفجار اجتماعی به رژیم هشدار داده و بر ضرورت غلط‌کردم‌گویی و عقب‌نشینی تأکید کرده تا آنجا که نوشته است: «اگر ترامپ برنده شد گفته نشود با «چاقوکش» مذاکره نمی‌کنیم. مهم نیست که طرف مقابل چاقوکش باشد یا سیاستمدار».

    شرق به‌نقل از میردامادی رئیس اسبق کمیسیون امنیت مجلس ارتجاع در مورد فضای انفجاری جامعه و ضرورت مذاکره و عقب نشینی نوشته است: «باید به این نکته توجه کرد که فشار اقتصادی الآن روی مردم در حدی است که تصمیم‌گیرندگان نمی‌توانند و نباید نسبت به آن بی‌تفاوت باشند. وضع فعلی قابل دوام نیست. حواله‌دادن مشکلات به خارج از کشور، مسأله‌ای نیست که برای مردم قانع‌کننده باشد و اقناعی به‌وجود بیاید. باید راه‌حلی پیدا کرد. یکی از روش‌ها سکرت دیپلماسی (secret diplomacy) است. مشابه کاری که در اواخر دوران ریاست‌جمهوری احمدی‌نژاد انجام شد و مذاکره با آمریکا در دوران اوباما شروع شد».

    همدلی روزنامه باند مغلوب هم با اشاره به خانوادهٔ پناهجوی ایرانی که در دریای مانش غرق شده‌اند وجهی از انزوای داخلی رژیم و نفرت مردم از نظام را بارز کرده و نوشته است: «بپذیریم که همه کسانی که از شرایط کشور می‌گریزند، شاید همه آنها انگیزه سیاسی نداشته باشند، اما سیاست عامل اصلی آن است. سیاستی که نمی‌تواند اقتصاد را سامان دهد و برخی را یک‌شبه به آسمان می‌برد و برخی دیگر را - که بسیار بیشترند - به خاک می‌نشاند... اگر فردی یا مرجعی در داخل نظام حکومتی می‌خواهد به پاسخ این پرسش برسد که چرا مردم ایران می‌گریزند، بهتر است که بدبینانه‌ترین حالت را در نظر بگیرد و همه انگیزه‌های مردم از تلاش برای مهاجرت را سیاسی ببیند».

🌳💧 #شورش زندانیان #تيك_تاك_سرنگوني  #  شهرهای شورشی❤️🌳🍒

🌳💧#مجاهدین_خلق ایران #ایران  #  کانونهای شورشی🌳🌹🌹🌹  

🌳💧#coronavirus #COVID2019 #IranRegimeChange🌳💧

🌳💧#انحلال_سپاه_پاسداران #ما بر اندازیم #شهادت_ميدهم #اعدام نکنید🌳💧

🍒🌳🌹 ما را در توئیتر با حساب توئیتری 7 @Bahar iran دنبال کنید❤️🌳💧 

🍒🍒🍒گزیدهمهمترین اخبار از سایت مجاهدین خلق ایران 🍒🍒🍒


🍒🍒🍒گزیدهمهمترین اخبار از سایت مجاهدین خلق ایران 🍒🍒🍒

  • اخبار ۶۰ثانیه

    مهم‌ترین اخبار ایران و جهان در ۶۰ثانیه – شنبه ۱۰ آبان ۹۹

    • آمار جان‌باختگان کرونا در ایران سازمان مجاهدین خلق اعلام کرد آمار جانگداز قربانیان کرونا به بیش از۱۳۸۳۰۰نفر در ۴۶۲شهر رسید. ادامه تجمع اعتراضی اقشار مختلف مردم اعتصاب کارگران پتروشیمی فناوران‌، نیشکر هفت‌تپه، آبفای اهواز، معدن زغال‌سنگ سنگرود البرز، بازاریان شهرکرد، کارکنان دانشگاه چمران اهواز و گمرک منطقه آزاد اروند آبادان. هشدار نسبت به افزایش قربانیان کرونا به ۹۰۰نفر در روز بیمارستان مسیح دانشوری: باید ۲ تا ۳هفته کشور را قرنطینه کامل کرد. ممکن است تعداد ...

🍒🍒🍒گزیدهمهمترین اخبار از سایت مجاهدین خلق ایران 🍒🍒🍒

🌳💧 #شورش زندانیان #تيك_تاك_سرنگوني  #  شهرهای شورشی❤️🌳🍒

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🌳💧#انحلال_سپاه_پاسداران #ما بر اندازیم #شهادت_ميدهم #اعدام نکنید🌳💧

🍒🌳🌹 ما را در توئیتر با حساب توئیتری 7 @Bahar iran دنبال کنید❤️🌳💧

Skyrocketing prices leaving 🍒🍒🍒Iranians with less to 🍒🍒🍒eat


Skyrocketing prices leaving 🍒🍒🍒Iranians with less to 🍒🍒🍒eat

Analysis by PMOI/MEK

Iran, October 30, 2020—While the coronavirus is expanding in Iran and most of people have been laid off, Iranian families’ inability to make ends meet is leading to malnutrition for millions of people.

“Following months of the Covid-19 pandemic, many nutrition experts are fully aware of how shortages in nutrition and lack of vitamins are leaving more people vulnerable in the face of this virus,” according to a piece published in the state-run Arman daily on October 1. “Due to the economic impact of coronavirus, nearly 15 to 35 percent of Iranian families have eliminated or decreased the consumption of certain foods,” the piece added, covering the Iranian people’s harsh living conditions.

Despite Iranian families’ in ability to place food on the tables, the prices of such basic necessities are skyrocketing. Not a day goes by where even state media and regime officials themselves are not seen raising this issue.

Necessities are so expensive even though most of them are indigenous. Therefore, the high prices and severe shortages have nothing to do with sanctions or issues regarding importing goods from abroad.

Fruits are one example of skyrocketing prices. Apart from some sort of luxurious fruits imported for the ruling class, almost all fruits are still domestic products.

Keyhan daily, known as the mouthpiece of Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, published an article focusing on this issue. The article, titled “High fruit prices despite large scale domestic production,” reads in part: “In spite of officials’ promises of market regulation and lowering prices, fruit prices continue to set records and when these products reach the shops, their prices rise by 30% based on the law and practically even more than 100%.”

Not only fruits but many other goods are seeing prices soar.

“The price of high consumption goods for Iranian families’ food baskets, such as red meat, poultry, rice and eggs are setting strange records in recent days. 270,000 rials for a kilogram of poultry; 310,000 rials for a kilogram of rice; and 1,200,000 rials for a kilogram of red meat have placed us facing unprecedented circumstances in which weakened classes decided to decrease or eliminate these items from their diets,” according to an article published in the state-run Vatan-e Emruz daily on October 19.

Reviewing official reports from the regime’s Center of Statistics shows that during the first six months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 2020 to September 2020), prices of consumable goods have been rising by six to 153%. Of course, these numbers are based on official reports and within the mentioned six months alone.

Studies show that during last six months the main price hike has been on poultry (by 56%), oranges by 153%, eggs by 35%, lentil by 41% and bean by 41%. However, the recent price increases during this fall season is very alarming. Within this short period of time, poultry prices have risen by 70,000 rials, Iranian rice by 50,000 rials per kilo, and red meat by 150,000 Toman per kilo.

Most of goods seeing price hikes that have been reported by state media are domestic products. However, the policies implemented by the government of regime President Hassan Rouhani have led to rising price for these products as well.

One of the fundamental reasons behind the rising prices of poultry and eggs is the failure of the Rouhani’s cabinet in providing the necessities for the country’s chick farms. This forced many such chick farms to destroy much of their products.

Officials and state media, including Vatan daily, are saying lack of government control on the market is to blame for day to day high price while the underlying reason is that the ruling mullahs have spoiled and bankrupted domestic production.

Ongoing chaos and disorder in term of skyrocketing prices is the outcome of total bankruptcy and utter destruction of domestic production.

Let’s assume that lack of government control is the main reason behind rising prices. However, this has nothing to do with recklessness but is a calculated policy and in favor of brokers and the wealthy class who are affiliated to the regime.  

“From the beginning of the production line through the process of reaching the market, brokers are overseeing the farmers and these brokers are profiting at many intervals before the produce reaches the market. Brokering of imported fruits is not a small case either. A Fars news agency’s reporter said that brokers buy and sell high profit foreign fruits like banana and coconut. These fruits go through different intervals in the central fruit market alone before reaching the stores and customers,” according to Keyhan daily in a report covering governmental brokers’ role in skyrocketing prices.

While inflation and high price are exacerbating, the salaries of workers and employees have only been raised on an average of 15% by Rouhani’s government. This does not provide for the people’s needs considering the current circumstances.

“Several political and economic factors intervene in the rising inflation rate and as a result, the rise of prices and escalating rates of hard currency, housing, cars, gold and …,” according to the state-run Shargh daily.  “First of all, the government itself is unable in deterring the rising rate of inflation; for example, salaries have been risen by 10 to 15% for this year, while the country’s inflation rate is more than 40%.

“Prices of goods and services have doubled and practically the growing rate of incomes do not meet the daily rise of prices and inflation at all. The country’s currency value is lowered, and prices are rising whether in goods or hard currency, or the public services sector.”

The truth is that high prices and inflation have always been a lifelong problem for the majority of Iranians, and in particular the working class. In recent years, however, it has become a critical problem for the vast majority of Iranians who have fallen under the poverty line.

There is no limit to skyrocketing prices due to institutionalized corruption. That is why all aspects of people’s lives have been impacted and many are living below the poverty line. And there is no end in sight.

Putting an end to the circle of high price and increasing pressure on Iranians is possible only by taking down the underlying cause of this problem, being the mullahs’ regime itself.

🌳💧 #شورش زندانیان #تيك_تاك_سرنگوني  #  شهرهای شورشی❤️🌳🍒

🌳💧#مجاهدین_خلق ایران #ایران  #  کانونهای شورشی🌳🌹🌹🌹  

🌳💧#coronavirus #COVID2019 #IranRegimeChange🌳💧

🌳💧#انحلال_سپاه_پاسداران #ما بر اندازیم #شهادت_ميدهم #اعدام نکنید🌳💧

🍒🌳🌹 ما را در توئیتر با حساب توئیتری 7 @Bahar iran دنبال کنید❤️🌳💧

Iran coronavirus update: Over 138,300 deaths, regime forces to impose 🍒🍒🍒heavy 🍒🍒🍒lockdowns

Iran coronavirus update: Over 138,300 deaths, regime forces to impose 🍒🍒🍒heavy 🍒🍒🍒lockdowns


Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, October 31, 2020—Over 138,300 people have died of the novel coronavirus in 460 cities checkered across all of Iran’s 31 provinces, according to reports tallied by the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as of Saturday afternoon local time, October 31. The official death toll declared by the regime stands at 34,864, around a fourth of the actual figure.

The coronavirus death toll in various provinces include: 33,531 in Tehran, 10,447 in Razavi Khorasan, 8253 in Khuzestan, 7679 in Isfahan, 5975 in Qom, 5888 in Lorestan, 4857 in East Azerbaijan, 4062 in West Azerbaijan, 3835 in Alborz, 3700 in Hamedan, 3638 in Fars, 2973 in Kermanshah, 2456 in Kurdistan, 2304 in North Khorasan, 2211 in Yazd, 2210 in Kerman, 2082 in Markazi (Central) 1528 in Ardabil, 1300 in Zanjan, 1139 in Ilam, 1104 in South Khorasan, and 1060 in Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari. This is in addition to reports obtained from other provinces.

Infographic-Over 138,300 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran

Infographic-Over 138,300 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran


The inhumane mullahs’ regime, deeply concerned over growing public anger against its apparatus following the recent Covid-19 surge, has increased crackdown measures and dispatched many units of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and state police to the streets.

With Armed Forces Chief of Staff Mohammad Bagheri and police chief Hossein Ashtari attending the meeting, regime President Hassan Rouhani emphasized on implementing rules and regulations, and fining those not abiding by health protocols. “The people have a duty. If people do not fully cooperate, we will most certainly fail in the face of this illness,” he said during the Saturday meeting of the National Covid-19 Task Force. “We have decided today to impose restrictions on 25 provinces and 46 cities with certain circumstances. Restrictions on 43 previous cities have been extended and there will restrictions on 25 provincial capitals from Wednesday to Friday of next week,” he added.

IRGC chief Hossein Salami held a health and treatment meeting on Thursday and resorted to very remarks that further signal the extent of the coronavirus crisis in Iran. “All IRGC Basij bases in neighborhoods (54,000 in total), especially mosques, will be activated for each area to identify those who have contracted the virus. Our goal will be to carry out this identification process by going from home to home,” he said on Saturday, according to state TV.

The head of the virology department at Tehran’s Masih Daneshvari hospital said on Saturday, “It seems as if, for the government, 300-400 deaths in one day is just a number and there’s no serious action. We must lock down the country for two to three weeks. We are perfectly capable of doing this. The continuation of this trend might raise the number of deaths to 900 per day or more.” (Source: Khabar Fori website, October 31)

On Saturday, the state-run Setareh Sobh daily quoted Massoud Yunesian, a member of the scientific council of Tehran Medical Sciences University, as saying, “The country ranks 113 in number of Covid-19 tests per capita. We are much lower than the global average.”

Also on Saturday, Hassan Khalil Abadi, a member of Tehran City Council, said, “The death toll in Tehran has had a 100-percent increase in comparison to before the Covid-19 outbreak. The Beheshteh Zahra cemetery has been completely filled. Plans for three new cemeteries in the capital have begun.” (Source: Fars News Agency, October 31)

The state-run Isfahan Today newspaper wrote on October 31: “Since a week ago, the number of dead bodies brought in to Beheshteh Zahra cemetery is much larger than the capacity of the morgues and the cemetery’s staff. Authorities are forced to store some of the bodies in the crisis management silos. This is one of the reasons the municipality is requesting the government and the Covid-19 Task Force to shut down Tehran for two weeks.”

The spokesperson of Isfahan Medical Sciences University said, “We have 1,888 hospitalized patients, 362 of whom are in critical conditions. In the past 24 hours, 39 patients have died. In Kashan, Aran, and Bidgol, the number of hospitalized patients has reached 353 and eight people have died.” (Source: State-run television, October 30)

According to the official IRNA news agency, the health ministry spokesperson in Kurdistan province said on Saturday, “The number of new Covid-19 cases in Kurdistan province is 45 per 100,000 population, and the average number of Covid-19 deaths is 41 per 1 million population. Both stats are higher than the national average.”

The IRGC-run Tasnim News Agency quoted the dean of Ilam Medical Sciences University as saying on Saturday, “The fivefold increase in the number of Covid-19 cases and hospitalized patients in comparison to the past 24 hours has shocked the medical staff. This figure continues to grow. The province is moving toward a crisis in death rates.”

The dean of Makazi province Medical Sciences University said, “At the moment, all counties of the province are in critical conditions, hospitals are filled with patients and we are faced with critical conditions. Housewives hold the record in Covid-19 cases and deaths.” (Source: ISNA news agency, October 31)


Iran coronavirus outbreak death toll interactive map

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🌳💧#انحلال_سپاه_پاسداران #ما بر اندازیم #شهادت_ميدهم #اعدام نکنید🌳💧

🍒🌳🌹 ما را در توئیتر با حساب توئیتری 7 @Bahar iran دنبال کنید❤️🌳💧

Message to Biden from the Arab world: No 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒return to appeasing Iran


Message to Biden from the Arab world: No 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒return to appeasing Iran


October 31, 202020:21


Short Url


As a Joe Biden victory in the US election has seemed increasingly probable over recent weeks, there has been an immense volume of debate throughout the Arab world as to what a Biden presidency would mean for this troubled region; from those desperate to see an end to the chaos of the Trump years, to those who fear an Obama-inspired return to appeasing Tehran.

The Arab world primarily looks to a prospective Biden administration for global re-engagement, working with European, NATO and Arab allies to re-establish a rules-based order so that dictatorial strongmen and pariah regimes can’t dominate near-neighbors with ruthless impunity. Enough of Putin, Erdogan, Netanyahu and Khamenei grappling for supremacy throughout the region, trampling Arab sovereignty and identity underfoot.

Leaders in Tehran, meanwhile, hope Biden leadership means easing of sanctions and unmolested continuation of their belligerent regional policies, while waiting for America to come begging for a diluted version of the 2015 nuclear deal. Biden should thus strengthen his hand by affirming that there will be no sanctions respite until Iran definitively agrees to live peacefully within its own borders, renouncing terrorism, paramilitarism and nuclear ambitions.

The fact that the International Atomic Energy Agency recently revealed that the regime, at immense cost, is building a new underground site for enriching uranium at Natanz is proof enough that the ayatollahs aren’t preparing for a rapid return to compliance with their obligations. While ordinary Iranians starve, this regime squanders its wealth on nuclear weapons.

Immediately after the US presidential inauguration, Iran will enter its own presidential elections season, making hopes for a quick deal expressed by some Biden aides appear wildly optimistic. Indeed, rushed efforts to revive the 2015 deal risk repeating Obama’s mistake in appearing more eager than Tehran for an agreement, resulting in one side making most of the concessions.

On the contrary, Iran should be the one compelled to come and beg for a dealKhameneis xenophobic regime believes nuclear arsenals and paramilitary armies guarantee its survival against a hostile world. It will make concessions in these domains only as a last resort to stave off regime collapse. Reports have been circulating about behind-the-scenes communications between Iranians, Israelis and US officials. Indeed, after three years of intensified sanctions, it may be that Tehran is already more desperate for a deal than it would like us to believe.

The Obama and Trump presidencies were broadly defined by a desire to reduce America’s embroilment in foreign quagmires. Yet in BeirutBaghdad, Kabul and a host of other capitals today, there is a veritable thirst for the re-emergence of muscular Western diplomacy, to outmaneuver Iran and its allies, and in defense of stability and effective governance.

Biden should strengthen his hand by affirming that there will be no sanctions respite until Iran definitively agrees to live peacefully within its own borders, renouncing terrorism, paramilitarism and nuclear ambitions.

Baria Alamuddin

A swift Biden intervention could have a major impact in Lebanon. After months of prevarication, with Saad Hariri back in the frame as prime minister, vigorous Biden support for French President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts in favor of a competent, technocratic government could open the floodgates for an IMF deal, while also thwarting Hezbollah.

US readiness to recommence talks with Tehran should be premised on Iran instructing its paramilitary allies in Lebanon and Iraq to allow democratic processes to take their course, halting attempts at destabilization with the objective of capturing the political system for themselves. Ultimately, America and its allies must follow through and ensure the wholesale disarmament and dismantlement of these militias, if the region is to enjoy any kind of long-term stability and security.

Biden will also need to grapple with the Palestine issue. He should set aside Trump and Netanyahu’s attempts to prejudice the issue, and instead acknowledge Palestinian territorial rights throughout the occupied territories and East Jerusalem. Biden’s commitment to Israel’s security may be “ironclad,” but Israel can enjoy long-term security only in the context of a just peace deal with Palestinians, as well as with Arab neighbors.

The aspirations of ordinary people throughout the Arab world are remarkably normal: They want jobs, stability, and quality education and health services for their families. Women demand the same freedoms and opportunities as men. Citizens don’t desire to be dominated by extremists — not Daesh, the Muslim Brotherhood, or Irans proxies. Faced with water shortages, desertification, extreme temperatures and overdependence on oil, this is a region that stands to benefit from Biden’s emphasis on climate change.  

This is furthermore a region burdened by vast displaced populations — Syrians, Palestinians, Yemenis, Iraqis, Libyans, Sudanese, and now even Lebanese looking for a better life overseas. By rolling back Trumps funding cuts for refugees and giving immediate attention to this challenge, Biden can prevent fresh humanitarian catastrophes and the knock-on ramifications of extremism; mass population movements. smuggling of people, arms and narcotics, and chronic regionwide instability.

A Biden administration will be faced with a massive pile of domestic and foreign priorities, not least of which will be reaching strategic understandings with China. Meanwhile, an outgoing Trump administration is widely expected to adopt a scorched-earth policy, making life as problematic as possible for its successor. After four years of Trump, US institutions are already in chaos; for example; the hollowed-out and politicized State Department, where a host of diplomatic positions remain empty. Thus, it may be many months before Biden makes any progress toward unveiling an ambitious multilateral global agenda, let alone striking a quick-win deal with Tehran.

Americans have been attracted to Biden’s candidacy because he is a moderate, non-divisive figure, a contrast to the controversies and confrontations of the Trump years. Let’s hope that Biden also has the caliber to be a unifying force on the global stage.

The Middle East enjoys immense potential and vast resources. But we have learned from bitter experience that the wider world can enjoy tranquility and prosperity only when the threats of extremism, instability and inequality in this strategically crucial region are confronted head-on.

·        Baria Alamuddin is an award-winning journalist and broadcaster in the Middle East and the UK. She is editor of the Media Services Syndicate and has interviewed numerous heads of state.

Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect Arab News' point-of-view





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