Iran Regime Facing Stalemate in the Middle East

NCRI - According to a report by Aljazeera Television, the Iranian regime, well known by its unbridled sectarian meddling in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon, is currently facing an intense deadlock in the Middle East.
Political analyst, Yaser Zaetareh, in an interview with Aljazeera TV answering a question about the role of Iranian regime in the Middle East in 2016, said: “The role of Iranian regime and its meddling in the Middle East is not limited to 2016. There is a war in the region that is the result of the spread of Iranian regime’s meddling.”
“The regime in Iran wants to change the identity and structure of the region. For this purpose, the regime has an insane project. The war in Syria is one of the pillars of this project. The Iranian regime follows the project in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. In Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki came from under the cloak of Iran regime. Iraq under the control of al-Maliki in 2010 cracked down Sunnis and the Sunnis rebelled against him. Syria, which was under the influence of Iran regime, has become a challenge to the regime.”
“The Iranian regime then went farther, that is to Yemen, but the regime’s project reached an impasse in Yemen as well. The regime’s Supreme Leader wants the Houthis to continue the war in Yemen and strike Saudi Arabia. But Yemen cannot be held hostage by Houthis, and even the ambitious dream of a repeat of Lebanese Hezbollah example in Yemen is in vain.”
“In Syria, which is the backbone of the Iranian regime’s expansionist project, one cannot say that the regime has achieved much. After the war in Aleppo, it became clear that the regime is after occupying Syria. The regime is wasting Iranian people’s wealth and assets in a futile adventurous action. Assad has no military in Syria. It is Khamenei’s militias (and mercenaries) who are fighting on the ground. As soon as Iranian regime asked Russia to intervene in Syria, it admitted that there is no government in Syria. Now the regime is not even Russia’s partner. Russia has its own interests which is not necessarily the same as Iranian regime’s interests.”