۱۳۹۵ آذر ۳, چهارشنبه

#Iran :Atena Daemi's writes letter about unjust treatment by Iranian regime's judiciary

#Iran :Atena Daemi's writes letter about unjust treatment by Iranian regime's judiciary
#humanrights #women
Children's rights activist and political prisoner Atena Daemi sent a letter out of prison in which she complained about her unjust treatment by the Judiciary.

In the letter published on November 27, 2016, she referred to the regime's officials who have committed heavy crimes but enjoy impunity.

"I did not order Zahra Kazemi's murder; I did not order the beating to death of three people in Kahrizak (Prison); I was not involved in any embezzlement or missing (financial) cases of social security; I was not a judge to issue unfair imprisonment and death verdicts for thousands of people.

"I protested executions! I recalled the crimes committed in Kahrizak! Now, I have been condemned to seven years in jail… I spent 16 months in jail under interrogation, now I have been sentenced to seven years imprisonment and I am forbidden from leaving the country!"

Ms. Daemi was arrested for the first time on October 11, 2014, and sentenced to five years in jail on the charge of conspiring and association against the regime and two more years for insulting the mullahs' supreme leader Khamenei.