۱۳۹۵ دی ۲۶, یکشنبه

Former Iraqi Vice President: Ghasem Soleimani Told Me Iran Has Relations With Al-Qaida

NCRI - In an interview with Al-Arabiya TV, Tariq al-Hashimi, Secretary General of the Iraqi Islamic Party and former Iraqi vice president, revealed details of a meeting he had a few years back with Ghasem Soleimani, commander of the terrorist Quds Force.
Tariq al-Hashimi was on a trip to Tehran at the time to meet with a number of Iranian officials, and above all with the then President Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad.
On the details of his meetings, al-Hashimi said that “Ghasem Soleimani came to (Iranian) vice president’s office. I talked to him about some conclusive evidence on Iranian regime’s intervention in Iraq.”
“I told Soleimani that Iranian regime is creating chaos in Iraq and supports Al-Qaida. Ghasem Soleimani denied the allegations at first. So I told him I was going to end my trip and get back to Iraq. I asked my staff to inform the pilot to get ready for my flying back to Iraq. I got up and went toward the door. Soleimani followed me and asked me to stay”, added al-Hashimi.
“I told him I’m not going to sit down with you until you give me real answers to my questions. He then told me to go ahead and ask my questions. I asked him if they had relations with Al-Qaida and if they were attempting to set up Iraqi Shiite militia groups similar to the Revolutionary Guards or the Quds Force”, said al-Hashimi.
“Soleimani replied in the affirmative to my questions and said yes! I then asked Soleimani why Tehran was doing that. Soleimani responded that they were worried about US presence in Iraq”, added the former Iraqi vice president.
“Is that what makes you kill Shiites and Sunnis?”, asked al-Hashimi.
“That’s the way it is”, responded Soleimani.