۱۳۹۵ بهمن ۶, چهارشنبه

To Stop the Export of Terrorism and Islamic Extremism, IRGC Must Be Blacklisted

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) came about after the 1979 revolution and gained significant power 10 years later when Mullah Ali Khamenei became Supreme Leader of Iran in 1989. He pushed other clerics to the side in favour of the IRGC.

It has been suggested that the IRGC are now going to have a major influence in future policy-making in Iran.
Ali Akbar Rafsanjani – a founding father of the Iranian regime – has died and no longer holds any political weight. Rafsanjani was a member of the Assembly of Experts which allowed him to oversee, choose or remove the Supreme Leader. So his death brings much more strength to the IRGC.

Iran regime is trying to gain the trust of more nations worldwide following the Iran Nuclear Deal. In hope of decreasing the scrutiny. The less scrutiny there is on Iran, the easier the IRGC can get away with cracking down on its people. Domestic opposition and religious minorities in Iran are systematically cracked down upon.
Furthermore, because of the Nuclear Deal, more and more foreign businesses are starting to deal with Iran again, ignoring the fact that IRGC is a main beneficiary of a lot of the new revenue.
On top of this, the IRGC is being granted a bigger portion of the country’s annual budget. Lawmakers have given the green light to allocate five per cent of the budget to the military.

The IRGC is actually a terrorist force claiming to fight extremism by having men on the ground in Iraq , Syria , Yemen and all over the region.
Leaders in the region and further afield have not properly addressed the issue of Iran’s military presence which is increasing all the time.

Some have decided to ignore the issue for either geopolitical or economic reasons. And of course some other nations have been threatened into inaction.

The IRGC is the main instrument of suppression inside Iran and terrorism outside, and it will continue to export Islamic Extremism and Terrorism until powers from the West and the Middle East take action to stop it.