۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۲۳, دوشنبه

Iran Regime's Factional Mistrusts Over Relations With Russia

NCRI - The Secretary and Former Spokesman of Mohammad Khatami's government, Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, affiliated with Hassan Rouhani, expressed concern over the regional and international isolation of the regime.
In an interview with the Iranian Diplomacy Website on March 10th, Abdollah Ramezanzadeh stated: “I am afraid of Russians. I don’t trust what they proclaim about their stance. First, the Russians do not have a long-term policy in the region, and since their economic situation is not stable, they change direction constantly to wherever they find some short term economic interests.
Secondly, according to the history of Turkey's relations with Russia, the Russians will not maintain their stance, I don’t foresee any coalition building policy by Russians.
The recently published news, that Russians announced, on one hand they intend to sell the S400 systems to Turks and on the other hand selling fighter jets to the UAE. Is contradictory and if true, it is difficult to be analyzed.
Thirdly the Russian economy is extremely fragile, Russians greatly need to stabilize the oil price in OPEC, and since they need to have a fixed income, their interest relies on the OPEC agreement."
In response to the question that how much the Russians could be trustworthy in this regional conflicts, Abdollah Ramezanzadeh said: “the Russians totally eliminated Iran in the Security Council resolution. What kind of alliance is that? Iran is not mentioned in the resolution while Turkey that opposes the Russians has been listed."
Ramezanzadeh added: “according to my information, the Russians did not support us in Aleppo. They evacuated Aleppo as they signed a deal with other parties. They did not easily fulfill our demands in the two Syrian cities, till the besieged Shiite forces left. Consequently, for the moment Russians need us if we meet their needs, but they are currently forming other coalitions in order to become self-sufficient from Iran and I am positive that Russians will stab us in the back in Syria too.
Ramezanzadeh spoke of the no-fly zone in Syria and said: “We do not actually see any air operation in Syria. The Turks and Russians in an unwritten deal have agreed with each other that they won't carry out any air operation against the positions of their allies. Therefore, I believe that the no-fly zone has been set up despite the objections lodged by Tehran." At the same time Turks are solidifying their positions in certain areas of Syria, which could not have happened without Russian’s consent, so again as I mentioned before I am sure the Russian dagger is ready to stab us, when? I don’t know.