۱۳۹۷ آبان ۲۳, چهارشنبه

Bolton: More Sanctions Coming Iran’s Way

Bolton: More Sanctions Coming Iran’s Way

London, 13 Nov - Another set of crippling economic sanctions on Iran have kicked in. The Trump administration has reaffirmed its goal to ensure all foreign countries reduce their imports of Iranian oil to zero. Time and time again, the Trump administration has said that it will not ignore Iran’s meddling, belligerence, extremism and terrorist activities.
His National Security Advisor John Bolton has said that the United States will continue to put pressure on Iran and that sanctions will be strictly enforced. He also said that there is the potential for further sanctions to be put in place.
The National Security Advisor also said that sanctions are already proving to be effective and said that the Iranian government is “under real pressure”. Bolton advised that the intention of the United States is to “squeeze them very hard”.
The Trump administration is calling on Iran to put an end to its policies that are based on the support of terrorist militias and proxy groups in the Middle East and to halt its ballistic missile development.
Iran lobbies have tried to portray the Trump administration as having a vendetta against Iran and as trying to provoke a war. However, Trump recognises that the situation in Iran is critical. He also recognises that the situation in the countries where Iran is meddling is equally as critical.
Iran lobbies also try to make out that the Trump administration is victimising the people of Iran. The Trump administration is actually doing quite the contrary. Many members of the administration have spoken about their concern regarding the situation of the Iranian people and have voiced their support for them.
The people of Iran, like the United States, want their government to focus on the many issues that are effectively destroying their livelihoods. And their lives. The government has chosen – time and time again – to prioritise its regional ambitions and have abandoned the domestic issues. The Trump administration is trying to put an end to this.
But the people of Iran know that the government will never put an end to these policies. They know that the government will always choose to line its own pockets rather than put the country’s economic situation first. They know that the government is incapable of reform. This is why their goal is government change.
The people of Iran have lived with suppression for many years and the government does not hesitate to arrest, imprison, fine, torture and even execute anyone that it deems as going against its principles. Minorities are badly mistreated, and women still do not have the same rights as men. The many political prisoners that are jailed in the government ’s prison are left to suffer under extreme conditions. They are denied a fair trial and do not have access to a lawyer of their choosing in many cases.
Human rights organisations, including Amnesty International, have called on Iran to put an end to its brutal denial of human rights but it never pays any attention.

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