۱۴۰۱ شهریور ۳۱, پنجشنبه

Nationwide protests engulf all of Iran with people seeking regime change


Strikes and protests that erupted following the death of Mahsa Amini continued on Wednesday, September 21. In the morning, protests resumed in several universities in Tehran.

The students at Tehran University began their protests with chants of “Death to the dictator,” referring to regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei.

At the same time, the students of Al-Zahra University held a rally, chanting, “Students will die but won’t give in to disgrace!” and “Proud students, support us!”

The presence of students in protest movements has been especially strong in recent days.

Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, a 22-year-old woman from the city of Saqqez in Kurdistan Province, western Iran, who traveled to Tehran with her family, was arrested on Tuesday, September 13, at the entry of Haqqani Highway by the regime’s so-called “Guidance Patrol” and transferred to the “Moral Security” agency.

Protesting her arrest, Amini was severely beaten by the security forces in a van and was taken to the capital’s Kasra Hospital due to the severity of her injuries. After initial examinations, doctors declared that Amini had suffered a stroke and was brain dead at the same time. Amini died on Friday, September 16. Shortly after, protests broke out in several cities, including Tehran and Saqqez. The protests have continued and expanded since.

The students of Alameh University in Tehran also resumed their protests on Wednesday. They were chanting, “Students loath tyranny,” “Poverty, corruption, and injustice, shame on this tyranny,” and “We are all Mahsa!”

Protests also started taking shape in Urmia, northwest Iran, as a large crowd gathered to mourn for Farjad Darvish, one of the several protesters who were killed by security forces in recent days. The mourners were chanting “Death to dictator!” and “Martyrs don’t die!”

At the same time, protesters in Urmia held a large gathering to continue their protests to the murder of Mahsa Amini. “I will kill those who killed my sister!” the protesters were chanting.

The regime’s security forces tried to disperse the protesters in Urmia but was met with fierce resistance and were forced to flee. In some locations, the protesters rushed to help others who were being abducted by the regime’s plainclothes agents. One of the unprecedented aspects of this uprising has been the cooperation of civilians to thwart the efforts of security forces in dispersing demonstrations.

As in previous days, protests intensified in the afternoon. In Amol, a large contingent of anti-riot units was dispatched to disperse the protests but was met with fierce resistance and was forced to retreat.

In Tabriz, protesters set fire to the vehicle of security forces sent to suppress them. At the same time, the protesters were chanting, “Death to Khamenei!”

In Langrud, a large crowd had gathered to join the nationwide protest that have been going on since Saturday.

At dusk, protests further intensified in several cities, including Nowshahr, northern Iran, where locals torched a vehicle belonging to security forces.

In Sardasht, Kurdistan province, clashes continued between protesters and anti-riot units.

In Babol, northern Iran, a very large crowd gathered in one of the cities squares and cheered as protesters tore down a large poster of Khamenei.

In Khorramabad, crowds of protesters gathered in Enghelab street, lit fires, and chanted “Death to Khamenei!”

On Tuesday, at least 20 cities took part in the protests. Scenes from dozens of cities and towns indicate the Iranian people are standing up to the regime’s forces and showing stiff resistance to the massive crackdown measures launched by the mullahs’ anti-riot units and state police forces.

Protesters and brave locals in many cities were seen gathering in numerous groups across different parts of their towns, making it extremely difficult for the regime’s oppressive forces to effectively confront and quell the protests. This allowed people to take over various areas by blocking numerous roads, disperse the regime’s forces, torch motorcycles, cars, vans, and even busses belonging to the security units, and even attack police trailers and city governor’s offices.

Protests have spread to cities throughout all four corners of Iran indicating a certain solidarity among the people of Iranian from all walks of life. This includes women in the forefront, college students, storeowners, youth, ordinary workers, and so many others. They are sending a very strong political message to the mullahs’ regime that their days are numbered and the Iranian people want them gone.

While these protests began in the Kurdish regions of Iran, in just days the nation has risen in a new uprising engulfing the entire country with people from the capital Tehran, Rasht in the north, Tabriz in the northwest, Mashhad in the northeast, Arak in the central parts of Iran, Isfahan, Ahvaz, Kerman, Birjand, Bandar Abbas and Kish Island in the deep south, and all parts of the country rising in support and sympathy with the grieving people of Kurdistan.

Protesters in many cities are seen chanting slogans of solidarity with their Kurdish brethren and in unity against the mullahs’ regime that is the enemy of the entire Iranian population. The cities of Sari, Hamedan, Zanjan, Khorramabad, Qom, Ardabil, Qazvin, and Sabzevar are just a number of the long slate of cities where people have taken to the streets to voice their protests and utter hatred of the mullahs’ regime.

Authorities and officials of the regime ruling Iran have, as always, attempted to use various methods to push and promote direct different slogans in the popular demonstrations to create a rift among the protesting people.  However, there are reports of people chanting “Death to the oppressor! Be it the Shah or [Khamenei]!” referring to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. All signs indicate a very strong fabric and national solidarity among the Iranian people against a single enemy, being the mullahs’ regime. The Iranian people have overthrown a monarchial dictatorship, are bound to bring an end to the mullahs’ theocratic dictatorship, and establish a free and democratic republic.

It is very vivid that following several series of nationwide strikes, especially in December 2017, January 2018, and November 2019, the Iranian people are using the experience and knowledge of those uprisings in the protests we are witnessing these past few days.

These latest protests by the Iranian people can be described as a national uprising against the oppressive rule of the mullahs. The over 1,500 protesters killed by the mullahs’ regime during the November 2019 uprising has united the Iranian people around a combined objective of overthrowing the theocratic regime and their entire apparatus of oppression.

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