۱۳۹۵ آذر ۲, سه‌شنبه

Iran: Political Prisoners Express Solidarity With Protests in Front of Regime's Parliament

NCRI - In their statement on Wednesday November 16, political prisoners have expressed solidarity with teachers, workers and students.
Parts of the statement are as follows:
We commend your dignity, your unity and solidarity and your endless determination.
We are in a situation in which there is no justice-seeking body to care about and try to stop the plundering of teachers investment funds, astronomical salaries, anti-labor amendments and cruel slavery-like labor law, and numerous discriminations against the rights of the teachers.
While no one cares about the plunderers, those who ask for their trampled rights are being attacked by regime’s forces.
We, the Karaj’s Gohardasht political prisoners, hereby express our solidarity with teachers, workers, students and all our fed-up fellow Iranians, and announce that: a political prisoner can’t receive any better gift than to listen to the righteous demands for justice being shouted from behind prison walls, the same demands for which they’ve been put behind bars for years. The same demands and rights which, in favor of hegemonic plunderers, rentiers and power-dependent freeloaders, have been taken away from people.
Long live the solidarity of workers, teachers and students
Gohardasht Prison, November 16, 2016.
Abolghasem Fooladvand, Reza Akbari Monfared, Saeid Masouri, Mohammad Ali Mansouri, Saleh Kohandel, Ali Moezzi, Khaled Hardani, Hassan Sadeghi, Shahin Zoghitabar, Mehdi Farahi Shandiz, Jaber Abedini, Ebrahim Firouzi