۱۳۹۵ آذر ۲, سه‌شنبه

Iran Regime Fears EU Office in Tehran

NCRI - The EU office in Tehran is the second US spy-house
On Monday November 18, a prominent Mullah and close confidant of Iran regime’s supreme leader expressed the Iranian regime’s fear of opening the EU office in Tehran, rejecting the move as ‘opening a hangout for spies’.
Mullah Alamolhoda, the Iranian regime’s Friday Prayers Imam in Mashhad, said that “with the aim of having infiltrators in our country, the three European countries have sent their security experts and agents to Iran as ambassadors. What is this EU Office all about?”
He pointed to a document drafted following the nuclear deal to regulate the EU relations with Iran and said “the document is made up of several articles including FATF, Iran’s ensuring the security of Europe’s oil and natural gas and the third is to exempt the people with dual citizenship from being prosecuted. Unfortunately some of our political elites (officials) with highest responsibilities are dual citizens, but following the recent leader’s emphasis, the officials with dual citizenship are supposed to be excluded from responsibilities.”
Referring to the Iranian regime’s support of the terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, as ‘supporting the axis of resistance’, the Mullah said “the fourth article in the document is to stop support of the axis of resistance in the region especially Hezbollah. The fifth article is to curb the missile development program and then help resolve the Syrian crisis in favor of the US interests. The seventh article is to hold elections without the candidates being filtered by the Guardian Council. The eighth article is to enforce the human rights mechanism and respond to Ahmad Shaheed’s report.
The ninth article is to allow the European spies to act freely in Tehran and then the judiciary be pulled out of the leader’s hand, followed by stopping execution of the drug dealers.”
He added: “they’re going to open an office in Tehran to implement these ten articles, and our diplomacy has agreed to that… I appreciate the judiciary standing with all power against this move. The EU Office is the second US hangout for spies, an infiltration mechanism and factory.”