۱۳۹۵ آذر ۳, چهارشنبه

New Developments in the Internal Conflict of the Iranian Regime

NCRI - As the speech of Ali Motahari, Vice-President of the Iranian regime’s Parliament was canceled in Mashhad – Northeastern Iran, a new development enhanced in the internal conflict of the regime, and the two rivals including Khamenei and Rafsanjani have seriously disputed. Ali Motahari's speech which was going to be held on Sunday November 20th was canceled by Mashhad's Prosecutor Office.
As regime's authorities stated, the speech delivery was coordinated 10 days ago. Simultaneously, an office affiliated with Rafsanjani and Rouhani was shut down.
Ali Motahari in a letter to President Rouhani described these actions as ISIS-deeds and wrote:"my speech delivery was canceled by the order of Mashhad's Prosecutor as he received a letter. I hope this letter would not be on behalf of the leader of the Friday Congregational Prayers of Mashhad. The relevance of this issue with the Prosecutor and the leader of Friday Prayers is not clear to me. Please clarify us that if the ruler of Razavi Khorasan Province is a governor-general or a prosecutor or a leader of Friday Prayers? And basically what is the role of a prosecutor in this matter?
At the same time, the Spokesman of the Ministry of Interior described the act of Mashhad's Prosecutor as interference in the duties of the Municipal Security Council.
The Interior Minister of Rouhani's government has ordered his political Deputy to investigate the cause of the cancellation of the speech.
Media report that the governor of Mashhad is going to be ousted. On the other hand, a press affiliated with the regime quoted from the Deputy of Razavi Khorasan's Governor-General that a decree was already been issued 10 days ago to assign a new governor and to oust the previous one in charge and it has nothing to do with the cancellation of Ali Motahari's speech.
The Mullah Lotfi affiliated with Khamenei supported the cancellation of Ali Motahari's speech and stated:"if nothing was done against it, the youths undoubtedly would have reacted more violently."
Following the current incident that happened in Mashhad on Sunday, the media affiliated with the Mullahs' regime described such happening as a political earthquake.
Fars News Agency, affiliated with IRGC also printed the handwritten apologies of Ali Motahari to the Leader of Karaj's Friday Congregational Prayers, Mullah Alamolhoda ; asking to be forgiven. The news is hesitantly written:"now we have to see how Ali Motahari reacts to the baseless accusations in which he made to the representative of the Supreme Leader in Mashhad."
On the other hand, a number of MPs affiliated with Rafsanjani and Rouhani, including Mohammad Reza Aref as the main member, called for the government's clarification on the reason for preventing Ali Motahari to deliver a speech.