۱۳۹۵ آذر ۳, چهارشنبه

The Iranian Regime Fears for the Future Combination of the US Cabinet

NCRI - After introducing Gen. James Mattis as the leading candidate for defense secretary in Trump's cabinet, the Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds Force News Agency on November 20th 2016 in an article entitles "Pentagon is waiting for a General that considers Iran more threatening than al-Qaeda and ISIS." and writes:
"Donald Trump introduced the retired Army General as a leading candidate for defense secretary."
Gen. Mattis is against the Iranian regime and he believes that the regime is the main threat to the stability in the Middle East and it is even more dangerous than al-Qaeda and ISIS.
The terrorist Qods Force News Agency added: "Mattis had earlier said that in his opinion ISIS is nothing more than a pretext for the Iranian regime to continue its misconduct. The Iranian regime is not the enemy of ISIS. They benefit from the serious unrest caused by ISIS in the region."
Quds Force News Agency affiliated with Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) wrote that Trump's option for defense secretary is an anti-regime General. Trump intends to appoint a person to this position whom Obama could not tolerate his extremist stances against the Iranian regime thus Gen. Mattis became sedentary.
The "Foreign Policy" Magazine wrote that Gen. Mattis was forced into early retirement by Barack Obama in 2013 since he had radical views on how to deal with the Iranian regime.
"Entekhab" News Agency wrote about Iran's concern over Trumps' possible cabinet:"if Lopez, Giuliani, Bolton or Gingrich takes office in Trump's government, MEK will be at the highest level of access in the United States of America. Giuliani is not the only possible member of the next government that has maintained his relation with MEK. John Bolton is another possible member of Trump's cabinet, as rumors spread. Clare Lopez is also on the candidate list of deputy national security advisor and Newt Gingrich rejected the position of the secretary of state but he is keen on taking the position of the political advisor in Trump's government. All these people are the supporters of MEK and they praise Maryam Rajavi.