۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۲۲, یکشنبه

Internal Factions Flare in Iran Over Upcoming Farce Elections

NCRI - As hostilities increase over upcoming so-called presidential elections in Iran in May, officials and media linked to The Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei are lashing out at Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s faction over the failures of the Iran nuclear agreement in relieving the pressures of sanctions.
“The main questions are about the unfulfilled promises by the government, including all sanctions that were to be lifted on the first day of the JCPOA implementation. This has not only never materialized, but in fact dozens of sanctions have been added,” said Hossein Shariatmadari, Khamenei’s representative from the Keyhan daily.
Former Revolutionary Guards chief Mohsen Rezaie published an open-letter voicing serious warnings to Rouhani.
“You and your friends have spoken of war and anti-war recently. Due to the threats to our national security in the use of such language, I saw it fit to remind you that the Trump administration is now in power in the US… conditions in the region have changed and your government needs to move forward with more caution. If such remarks were useful during the Obama days, such language towards the current US government will allow pro-war advocates to take advantage of these remarks… without a doubt our status has changed in comparison to the former US administration,” he said.
Media outlets and figures loyal to Rouhani responded in the same fashion.
“Unfortunately, some people keep on denying our achievements. The public should know the nuclear deal is not the victory of all victories, but it’s also no humiliating treaty,” said Ali Akbar Salehi, chief of Atomic Energy Organization in Iran.
Aftab-e Yazd daily referred to the corruption witnessed in previous cabinets linked to the rival faction.
“If not for the nuclear deal, sanctions would have increased, and considering the lack of goods, prices would skyrocket causing inflation, and since money would no longer enter the country through legal means, it would be wasted and the country would witness numerous cases of embezzlement,” the piece read in part.