۱۳۹۹ شهریور ۲۳, یکشنبه

Iran coronavirus update: Over 102,600 deaths, at least 15 provinces and 88 🌹🌹🌹🌹cities are “red zones”


🌹🌹cities are “red zones”

Iran coronavirus update: Over 102,600 deaths, at least 15 provinces and 88 🌹🌹

🌹🌹cities are “red zones”

Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, September 13, 2020—Over 102,600 people have died of the novel coronavirus in 431 cities checkered across all of Iran’s 31 provinces, according to reports tallied by the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as of Sunday afternoon local time, September 13. The official death count declared by the regime stands at 23,157, around a fifth of the actual figure.

The coronavirus death toll in various provinces include: 24,845 in Tehran, 7349 in Razavi Khorasan, 4987 in Mazandaran, 4729 in Isfahan, 4573 in Lorestan, 2993 in East Azerbaijan, 2921 in Golestan, 2908 in Alborz, 2723 in West Azerbaijan, 2029 in Kurdistan, 1694 in North Khorasan, 916 in Qazvin, and 602 in South Khorasan. This is in addition to reports obtained from other provinces.

Infographic-Over 102,600 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran

Infographic-Over 102,600 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran


“Thirteen provinces are red zones and 15 are in alarming Covid-19 conditions,” said the spokesperson of the regime’s Health Ministry said on Sunday, according to the official IRNA news agency. “Currently, 88 cities are registered as red zones and 90 cities are yellow or white zones indicating a medium-level coronavirus threat. No city in the country is in green status, meaning none are coronavirus-free. The highest number of new weekly Covid-19 cases were in the provinces of Bushehr, Qom and Lorestan. The highest number of weekly deaths were reported in the provinces of North Khorasan, Semnan and Isfahan,” she added. 

“From June onward we entered a new peak. The virus has mutated, and it is transferring at a far higher speed. In such conditions without a doubt any gathering can make the situation even worse. Most of the children who have contracted Covid-19 show no symptoms and can be hosts,” said Minoo Mohraz, a member of the National Covid-19 Task Force on Sunday. “In the current circumstances any gathering is the worst type of event and is considered a violation of social distancing. This can lead to the further spread of this virus. Wherever we see gatherings, those areas can be centers of respiratory viruses,” she added, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency.



Shahrbanu Amani, a member of Tehran City Council, said, “With 14.7 million students across the country and 2 million going to classes in Tehran, there’s concern that even if one percent of this population contracts coronavirus, we will be faced with a human catastrophe. The president didn’t have any plans to physically attend any of the schools and he declared yesterday that he will be attending the inauguration ceremony of universities virtually, and this shows how bad the situation is in Tehran… Never in times of crisis had we had consistent management or a centralized command or unified instructions for crisis management, and the people are confused.” (Source: Arman-e Meli, September 23)

According to the semi-official ISNA news agency, Majid Farahani, the head of the budget committee of Tehran City Council declared: “The municipality has not received a single rial from the national development fund to counter the spread of coronavirus.”

In Khuzestan province, an eight-year-old student died of coronavirus in the Golestan hospital of Ahvaz, Asr-e Iran reported on Saturday. “The death of this student has caused concern among parents in Gatvand county. The head of the sanitation network of Gatvand said the child’s coronavirus test was positive,” Asr-e Iran added.

On Sunday, the caretaker of Alborz Medical Sciences University said that in the past 24 hours, 553 people referred to hospitals with coronavirus symptoms, according to the official IRNA news agency. “From yesterday to this morning, we’ve witnessed a relative increase in the number of hospitalized patients. The number of critical patients has reached 138 in the past 24 hours, and the total number of deaths in this province has reached 1,015,” the caretaker added.

In Hormozgan province, the number of coronavirus deaths has reached 733, according to Javan Daily, affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). Javan quoted the dean of Hormozgan Medical Sciences University as saying, “Presently, there are 237 patients hospitalized in the province’s hospitals, of which 61 are in ICU and 18 are in critical conditions.”

Iran coronavirus outbreak death toll interactive map

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