۱۳۹۹ شهریور ۲۳, یکشنبه

🌹🌹🌹Iranian Resistance Units campaign to halt Navid Afkari’s execution🌹🌹🌹


🌹🌹🌹Iranian Resistance Units campaign to halt Navid Afkari’s execution🌹🌹🌹

Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, September 12, 2020—This morning, the Iranian regime executed wrestling champion Navid Afkari on charges of participating in peaceful protests and after extracting forced confessions under torture.






The execution took place despite a global campaign calling on the regime to revoke the death sentence. Among the many efforts to save Navid Afkari’s life were the activities of the Iranian Resistance Units, the internal network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who continued to campaign for the release of Afkari until the eve of his execution.

The members of the Resistance Units held took to graffiti and spread the slogans such as “Free Navid Afkari,” “Stop the execution of the Iranian youths,” “Free Afkari brothers,” and “the only solution to prevent executions of those like Navid is to revolt and protest.”


Activities of the MEK’s internal network, the Resistance Units against the execution of wrestling champion Navid Afkari and his two brothers on charges of participating in peaceful protests in Iran – Shiraz, September 11, 2020

Activities of the MEK’s internal network, the Resistance Units against the execution of wrestling champion Navid Afkari and his two brothers on charges of participating in peaceful protests in Iran – Shiraz, September 11, 2020



Anti-regime activities continue, despite regime’s repression

Despite the regime’s brutal oppression and recent death sentences against protesters, the Iranian Resistance Units continued their anti-regime activities across the country.

From Wednesday to Friday, the Resistance Units organized activities in cities such as Tehran, Shiraz, Tabriz, Mashhad, Karaj, Isfahan, Kashan, Eslamshahr, Ghaen, Kerman, Ahvaz, Qazvin, Rasht, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Nain, Abadan, Anzali, Astaneh, Ardabil, Lorestan, Bojnourd, Andimeshk, Qom, Sabzehvar, Hamadan, Bajestan, Esfarayen, Hashtgerd, Gorgan, Yazd, Kish, Kermanshah, Behbahan, Sanandaj, and Zahedan.

They installed huge banners of the Iranian Resistance Leader Massoud Rajavi and NCRI’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi in various points of the cities.

The Resistance Units called in their activities for an end to the theocratic regime ruling Iran, and echoed Iranian people’s yearning for freedom, democracy, and people’s sovereignty.



Their slogans read:

“Down with Khamenei and shame on his rule”

“To the brave people, raise your voice of protest”

“Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi”

“The IRGC must be annihilated”

“To the brave people, raise your voice in protest”

“The only way to freedom is revolt and protest”

“The overthrowing of the mullahs’ regime is possible by Resistance Units”

“Down with Khamenei, hail to the MEK, hail to Rajavi”


The MEK Resistance Units also continued to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the foundation of the organization and hailed the MEK’s 55 years of struggle against the monarchist and theocratic dictatorships of the Shah and the mullahs. They held up signs that read:

“We are MEK supporters, hail to freedom,” “despite many obstacles, the MEK stood steadfast in its struggle against the mullahs,” and “hail to 55 years of struggle of the MEK.”

Also, many videos and messages from members of Resistance Units was shared that showed Iranians inside the country watching live the massive online event on Saturday, September 5, to celebrate the 55th founding anniversary of the MEK.

In recent years, the MEK Resistance Units have stepped up their activities. Their role during the November 2019 and January 2020 uprisings, particularly gathering reports about the regime’s brutal killing of 1,500 protesters during the 2019 nationwide uprising has raised lot of concerns among regime’s officials.



IRGC bases targeted

On Thursday September 10, the defiant and rebellious youth of Iran targeted two Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Basij bases in Isfahan. The Basij are the most hated suppressive paramilitary force inside Iran and a subsidiary of the terrorist designated IRGC. Its main role is to preserve the mullahs’ rule through the crackdown of protests and demonstrations, such as the November 2019 nationwide uprising.

The targeting of the regime’s symbols and repressive centers has increased since 2018, and recent major protests across the country which portrays the explosive state of Iran’s society.

September 10, 2020-Rebellious Youth Target The Iranian Regime's Tazirat Organization Responsible For Oppression

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