۱۳۹۵ آذر ۳, چهارشنبه

Iran: Call to save political prisoners on hunger strike

Iranian Resistance calls on international human rights bodies, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran, for immediate and effective measures to address the situation of political prisoners on hunger strike. Not only does the religious fascism ruling Iran not respond to the demands of legitimate political prisoners, but puts them doubly under persecution and torture by fabricating fake files and denying them necessary medical care.
Morteza Moradpour, being in solitary confinement in the central prison of Karaj, is on his 29th day of hunger strike in protest at his continued detention. He suffers from heart problem, but his torturers beat him severely and exiled him from Tabirz prison to the solitary confinement of Karaj central prison.

Arash Sadeghi in ward 8 of Evin prison and on the 30th day of hunger strike. He suffers from severe heart palpitation and shortness of breath and kidney pain. On November 21, he became unconscious due to a sharp drop in blood pressure, but the prison guards conditioned sending him to hospital on wearing prison uniform and putting handcuffs on his hands and feet. He was detained in 2014 and was sentenced to 19 years in prison on the charge of "holding assemblies, and collusion against the regime and insulting the sacred".
Vahid Sayyadi Nassiri, in notorious quarantine ward of Evin prison, is suffering severe weight loss and low blood pressure. He has been on hunger strike in protest at 13 months of uncertainty and lack of attention to his case. In order to punish him, the prison guards have transferred him to the quarantine ward (ward 4) of Evin prison. In this ward the prisoners are under more pressure and torture and are denied their most basic rights, including visitation rights and access to medical needs. He was arrested in September 2015 and was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment on the charge of "insulting sanctities and propaganda against the regime".
Mehdi and Hossein Rajabian are two artist prisoners in ward 7 of Evin prison. They are on their 25th day of hunger strike. Mehdi Rajabian was taken to hospital in recent days due to stomach bleeding, but was returned to prison without proper treatment. His brother, Hossein came down with left kidney infection. These two artists were arrested in their office in the city of Sari in September 2013 and were sentenced to three years in prison on the charge of "propaganda against the regime and insulting the sacred".
Amir Amir-Gholi, in ward 8 of Evin prison, has been on hunger strike since November 16 in protest at lack of separation of prisoners' crimes and failing to address the situation of political prisoners. Mafia-like gangs in prison, provoked by the henchmen, attacked and wounded him with a knife. The torturers prevented his injury treatment. Mr. Amir-Gholi was arrested in January 2016 and was sentenced to five years of imprisonment on the charge of "holding assemblies and collusion, propaganda against the regime and…".

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 23, 2016