۱۳۹۵ آذر ۳, چهارشنبه

Iran – Tehran, Gathering in Front of the United Nations to Protest the Continued Detention of Mohammad Ali Taheri

NCRI - On Tuesday morning, November 2, dozens of sympathizer of political prisoner Mohammad Ali Taheri, staged a protest gathering in front of the United Nations’ office against his continued detention, while at the fifty-sixth day of hunger strike.

Protesters delivered the documents of the brutal attack on demonstrators by security forces on Monday, November 21 in front of the Parliament, to the Office of United Nations,
It is noteworthy that, on Monday, November 21, also calling for the unconditional release of all the political prisoners, especially Mr Taheri, supporters of this political prisoner, held protest rallies for the third day in front of Iran regime’s parliament and 7 other parts of Tehran, in which Plainclothes agents and security officers brutally attacked and bit the protesters.